فريق خدمة عملاء يوتوبيا
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فريق خدمة عملاء يوتوبيا
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Bioresonance is a gentle and non-invasive therapy that helps  to detect changes on a cellular level early on, making it an incredible preventative tool.

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Bioresonance effectively treats:

Asthma and allergies

Food intolerances

Stress and anxiety

Food intolerances and sensitivities

Digestive problems

Chronic fatigue

Chronic pain


Skin diseases like urticaria, rashes, etc.

Lyme disease

Rheumatoid arthritis

Nicotine addict / Chronic smoker

Yutopia Clinic integrates Bioresonance with other complementary therapies to achieve unparalleled benefits.

Activate and restore the body's own self-healing powers.
Book your Bioresonance appointment today
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What is Bioresonance?
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How does it work?
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Bioresonance is based on the idea that damaged cells emit certain electromagnetic (EM) waves due to DNA damage. The detection of these EM waves can then be used to diagnose disease.
Is Bioresonance safe?
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To date, studies on Bioresonance haven’t found any side effects. It has generally been called a painless procedure.
How many sessions are typically needed for results?
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It usually depends on the severity of your health condition. Our team at Yutopia can give you more details.
Are there any lifestyle changes required during Bioresonance therapy?
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It depends on the treatment one is taking. Our team at Yutopia can give you more details.