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العلاج بالاستخلاب

يعتبر العلاج بالاستخلاب مثاليًا للتعامل مع الآثار الجانبية الضارة لحشو ملغم الأسنان.

إنه أيضًا العلاج المثالي لإزالة السموم المعدنية الثقيلة من الدم مثل الزئبق والرصاص والكادميوم والألمنيوم. يمكن أن تسبب هذه المعادن أمراض القلب والالتهابات المزمنة والاضطرابات العصبية مثل الخرف ومرض التوحد. مع مرور الوقت يمكن أن تسبب أعراضًا مثل الرعشة وضعف العضلات وضعف الأداء وفقدان الوزن والتعب ومشاكل الجهاز الهضمي والتهيج.

احجز موعد

من يستفيد من علاج Chelation؟

في دبي، تنبعث المواد الكيميائية من جميع أنواع المواد الاصطناعية مثل إطارات السيارات وزجاجات المياه البلاستيكية والعشب الصناعي. وعندما ترتفع درجة حرارة المواد الكيميائية، كما هو الحال عندما يكون الجو حارًا للغاية في دبي، فإنها تطلق قدرًا كبيرًا من المعادن الثقيلة والسموم مثل الرصاص والحديد والزئبق.


الأشخاص الذين لديهم تاريخ عائلي للإصابة بمرض الزهايمر والخرف


الأشخاص الذين يعانون من ضباب الدماغ


الأشخاص الذين يعانون من سمية المعادن الثقيلة


الأشخاص الذين يعانون من حشوات ملغم الأسنان

كيف يعمل الاستخلاب في يوتوبيا؟

الخطوة 1

احصل على الاختبار

في Yutopia، نستخدم أفضل المختبرات في العالم للكشف عن السموم المعدنية من خلال عينات البول أو الشعر أو الدم.

الخطوة 2

خطة علاج الاستخلاب الفردية الخاصة بك

إذا تم العثور على مستويات سامة من المعادن، فإننا نصمم خطة علاج باستخدام المكملات الغذائية والأنظمة الغذائية والاستخلاب الوريدي. الاستخلاب الوريدي هو علاج يعمل فيه مزيج من العوامل المخلبية (مثل EDTA) والمعادن الأساسية والفيتامينات معًا لإزالة السموم. يتم ذلك عادة في غضون ساعة إلى ساعتين. نظرًا لأنه يحتاج إلى إشراف أخصائي طبي في حالة حدوث آثار جانبية غير متوقعة، نوصي بشدة بإجراء ذلك في العيادة.

الأسئلة الشائعة حول العلاج بالاستخلاب

What foods are high in heavy metals?
Open FAQ Dropdown
Here are four sources of heavy metals to look out for and to avoid consuming in high doses: mercury in fish, lead in bone broth, cadmium and heavy metals in e-cigarettes, and arsenic in rice.
What are natural chelating agents?
Open FAQ Dropdown
Citric, malic, lactic, tartaric acids and certain amino acids are naturally occurring chelating agents.
Is EDTA chelation safe?
Open FAQ Dropdown
EDTA chelation should be done with a trained healthcare professional who will be able to keep you under constant medical supervision. At Yutopia, our health practitioners are well-trained and can administer EDTA chelation correctly and safely.
How long does it take for chelation therapy to work?
Open FAQ Dropdown
Patients may need anywhere between 20 to 60 treatments of chelation therapy over 12 – 36 weeks, depending on the severity of the condition, in order to see the best results. For an average patient, a series of 30 EDTA infusions are given with each session lasting somewhere between 1 ½ to 3 hours.
ماذا يقول عملاؤنا

“Amazing place to get reconnected with your body and discover the root causes of any underlying health issues, it is also a great place to visit even if you are at your optimum health and would like to maintain that. The staff are very friendly and professional. They respond to any questions you have. It is great that there is something like this in Dubai!”

Halah, 31

“The best part of the whole journey is the personalized nature of it.The improvement I have seen is unbelievable. I noticed a difference after only one week of using the needed vitamins. I cannot express enough how much my deficiency has improved and how I feel overall. Thank you Yutopia for getting me back on track and for being there for me.”

Stephania, 28

“I feel much better after visiting Yutopia. I have a hectic weekday schedule that requires a lot of attention and energy and I feel much better after starting my treatment plan. My energy level has improved a lot. Completely recommend it for everyone who is looking to improve their energy levels and focus.”

Ahmad, 34

I have been suffering from tachycardia for a very long time, I did all the tests possible from ECGs to TTEs and everything was normal. I was recommended to Dr.Sami and after doing his assessment, he suggested that the problem is with vagus nerve and phrenic nerve. He did manipulation to stimulate the nerves and all I can say is that he calmed my heart completely! It's amazing! You're a ⭐


"My energy levels are up like never before, my sleep has improved, and I’m feeling great – physically, mentally and emotionally. It was a very simple process and through one blood test it was amazing to see that they knew exactly where I stood. My amazing team dedicated their time to thoroughly understanding my lifestyle (past and present). With that, they were able to create a program that corrected my deficiencies and brought me up to my optimal performance."

Moshaal, 29

“I have suffered with allergic rhinitis since I was a teenager and over the years it got progressively worse. Then I was introduced to the amazing doctor Porras and my treatment started. THIS WORKS!!! My allergies are under control. I have stopped all steroids and lessened my intake of antihistamines. Anyone suffering like me, you have got to give this a go. Thank you team Yutopia from the bottom of my heart. This clinic isn’t about making money; it’s about making you better.”

Anisha, 41

We create our own body problems and then look for help. Yutopia offer great help and have a great team. But you must persist, be patient and work to improve yourself. There are no magicians here, only educated, reliable and dedicated professionals who will fix you, if you do your part also.

Karl W

Top place in Dubai to sort most pain management and health issues, specifically Dr SAMI CHEHADE, who I believe is the best and most holistic physiotherapist I have ever seen in UAE and even compared to others I have seen in Germany. Very genuine, professional and really loves helping people, will always work on the root cause to solve your problem for good and in the shortest possible number of sessions. Will never try to just give you more sessions for the sake of you coming back more. Even the booking and reception team both Rasha and Abins are always smiling and helping you to find time quickly to book and pleasant to deal with. Overall, all amazing team and highly recommended.

Tarek F

Dr Sami is the best ..I have experienced neck pain for over 2 years ,that my neck wasn't was stiff and not as flexible as it was before.. but Dr Sami has managed to get it back into normalcy .

Christian N

Really good experience Very welcoming clinic and I can feel much better after Dr.Sami session.

Sameh Y

A very different approach from any other clinic I’ve visited in Dubai. Overall, the staff are friendly and extremely helpful. I had an appointment with DR. Joelle the nutritionist who was attentive, professional and answered my 100s questions with no hesitation. She made me understand the root of the issues I have, and she recommended a tailored plan that helped me improve my lifestyle. You will discover a lot about your body and yourself! I would highly recommend Dr. Joelle.

Sabine K

"One stop shop for all ozone treatments. Great location, easy to do treatments. "


"Amazing nurses – no bruising, no pain. They really know what they are doing."


"Knowledgeable team: The doctor recommended that I undergo a combination of ozone therapy with ALA and glutathione, and it really made a big difference in my blood test."


I really liked this treatment, it was great