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اختبار عدم تحمل الطعام والحساسية

اختبار شامل لجميع حالات عدم تحمل الطعام وحساسية الغلوتين غير الزلاقية.

في خضم العديد من اختبارات عدم تحمل الطعام المتاحة، يعد العثور على الدقة أمرًا بالغ الأهمية. تقدم Yutopia حلاً - تتضمن عملية الاختبار المتخصصة لدينا إرسال عينات إلى مختبر متميز في الولايات المتحدة، بما في ذلك الفحص الحصري لحساسية الغلوتين غير الزلاقية!

يفيد اختبار حساسية الطعام الأشخاص الذين يعانون من:

أعراض الجهاز الهضمي، IBS، IBD، عدم تحمل الغلوتين

أمراض المناعة الذاتية مثل هاشيموتو والتهاب القولون التقرحي وداء كرون

عدم التوازن الهرموني

الأمراض الجلدية مثل: الأكزيما وحب الشباب

التعب والضعف غير المبررين

اضطراب طيف التوحد

العلاج بالأوزون، عيادة يوتوبيا، دبي ستيم

خريطة طعام IgG مع الكانديدا+اختبار الخميرة

عند تقييم أكثر من 190 نوعًا من الأطعمة والأعشاب والتوابل الشائعة، نضمن لك الاستفادة من رؤيتنا التفصيلية حول حساسياتك الغذائية لتحسين الصحة.

مختبرات سيركس

تشتهر مختبرات Cyrex بطرق الاختبار المتقدمة، لا سيما في مجال الحساسيات الغذائية واضطرابات المناعة الذاتية والاضطرابات المرتبطة بالغلوتين، بما في ذلك حساسية الغلوتين غير الزلاقية (NCGS).

اختبارات تفاعل الغذاء المتبادل واختبارات عدم تحمل الغلوتين/عدم الغلوتين

مرض الزهايمر LINX™

المصفوفة 2

مصفوفة 3X

المصفوفة 4

المصفوفة 5

مصفوفة 7x

المصفوفة 10

المصفوفة 10-90

المصفوفة 11

المصفوفة 12

المصفوفة 14

المصفوفة 20

المصفوفة 22

إجمالي السيروم IgG/IgA/IGM

خريطة الخلايا الليمفاوية™

شركاء الاختبار لدينا

الأسئلة الشائعة

Are there any factors, such as medications or foods, that might affect the results of a Cyrex test?
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Yes, several factors can affect the results, including immunosuppressant drugs, corticosteroids, some inhalers, and following a gluten-free diet, which may lead to false-negative results. Our team at Yutopia are well experienced with all Cyrex Labs testing and can guide you throughout this process.
Can I pay for my Cyrex testing in installments?
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At Yutopia we have Tabby installment plan. HYPERLINK Tabby - Online Payment Gateway Shop now, pay later with Tabby - https://tabby.ai/en-AE
Can I directly order testing from Cyrex Laboratories?
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No, Cyrex Laboratories does not offer direct-to-consumer testing. Yutopia clinic in Dubai has a direct account with Cyrex Labs, and our team can facilitate these tests for you.
Can Cyrex tests be performed for children aged 0-15?
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Yes, Cyrex testing can be conducted for children in this age range.
How does the IgG food allergy test work?
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The test involves taking a blood sample, which is then analyzed to determine the levels of IgG antibodies specific to different foods.
How do I prepare for an IgG food allergy test?
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Preparation may involve fasting before the blood draw, as instructed by the healthcare provider.
How accurate is the IgG food allergy test?
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The accuracy of results may differ based on the laboratory's technology. That's why, at Yutopia, we've partnered with Mosaic Diagnostics formerly Great Plains Laboratories to ensure the highest level of accuracy.
How long does it take to receive results?
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The results usually take 2-3 weeks.
How should I interpret the results of the IgG food allergy test?
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Results are typically interpreted by a healthcare provider. Our expert team at Yutopia are here to help with the interpretation of the results and tailoring of your meal plan.
How long does it take to receive the results of a Cyrex test?
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The typical turnaround time for Cyrex testing is 2-3 weeks for the results to be processed and provided.
Is fasting necessary before taking a Cyrex test?
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Specific specimen collection instructions regarding fasting are provided in each Specimen Collection Kit. For oral fluid testing, fasting means refraining from eating for one hour before collection and from drinking for 30 minutes prior. Blood testing does not require fasting or have collection restrictions. However, consuming a high-fat meal before a blood draw may result in a lipemic serum specimen, which Cyrex Labs rejects.
What is the difference between IgE and IgG food reactions?
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IgE reactions are associated with immediate allergic responses, while IgG reactions are often delayed and may manifest as subtle symptoms.
What is an IgG food allergy test?
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This test measures IgG antibodies to various foods to identify potential food sensitivities.
Will my insurance company reimburse me for Cyrex testing?
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Some insurance companies may provide reimbursement for Cyrex testing. Yutopia can provide you with a claim form and a medical report to explain the need for the test, which can assist with potential reimbursement.
What types of specimens are required for testing by Cyrex?
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Cyrex conducts tests using oral fluid (saliva) and serum (blood) specimens.
What symptoms or conditions can IgG food testing help with?
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This test is often used to explore potential connections between food sensitivities and symptoms such as digestive issues, headaches, fatigue, and skin problems.