VIP, or Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide, is a naturally occurring peptide in the body that plays a significant role in regulating functions related to the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems.




  • Improves circulation and blood flow
  • Regulates gastrointestinal functions
  • Modulates immune response
  • Reduces stress and promotes relaxation 
  • Supports brain and cognitive function
  • Supports gastrointestinal health and detoxification

أسئلة متكررة

What functions does VIP have in the body?
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VIP is involved in various functions including vasodilation, smooth muscle relaxation, hormone regulation, and immune modulation
What is VIP therapy?
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VIP therapy involves the use of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide, a naturally occurring peptide, for potential therapeutic purposes.
ما هي العلاجات بالببتيد؟
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الببتيدات هي أحماض أمينية قصيرة السلسلة توجد بشكل طبيعي في الأطعمة ويتم امتصاصها بسهولة بسبب حجمها الصغير. تستهدف الببتيدات المختلفة وظائف محددة بناءً على أهدافك الصحية. يمكن لفريقنا توجيهك لاختيار أفضل الببتيدات المناسبة لك.
Is VIP therapy suitable for everyone?
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Individual responses to VIP therapy can vary. Medical assessment by a qualified professional like the expert team at Yutopia is necessary.
How is VIP administered?
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VIP therapy can involve intravenous administration, subcutaneous injections, or nasal sprays.
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