Have You Tried Bioresonance Therapy to Quit Smoking?

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Proved to be effective in the long term, it might just be the magic formula you’re looking for!


Life is full of challenges and one of the hardest is quitting smoking. The addiction requires a psychological commitment to quit, not just a cessation of the physical action. This makes it harder, especially when there are withdrawal symptoms, and if you have relied on smoking as a security crutch.

There are however, absolutely no benefits to smoking. It take a massive toll on your body, shortening your life and exacerbating existing problems, introducing new ones. You are also endangering the lives of people around you, as second hand smoke also has a detrimental effect.

The decision to quit is therefore a sound one. But understandably difficult. Your first step is a firm commitment in your mind. Not a wishy-washy half-hearted attempt, but a genuine effort to understand and be prepared to weather through the process of quitting. Once that step has been achieved, there are external methods to help you, like bioresonance therapy.


What is bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is based on the theory that unhealthy cells emit a different electromagnetic wave due to DNA damage, as compared to the waves emitted by healthy cells. Proponents of the theory believe that based on the readings of these different electromagnetic waves, diseases can be diagnosed and treated. Patients are hooked up to machines that measure the electromagnetic waves—these can be changed by the machine to return to their original frequency, to reverse the damage caused.    


How does bioresonance therapy help to stop smoking?

A study conducted in 2014 in Turkey involved 190 participants, all wanting to quit smoking. Half of them underwent bioresonance therapy and the other half were a placebo group (subjected to simulated bioresonance therapy). The study concluded that “bioresonance therapy is clinically effective in smoking cessation and does not show any adverse side effects.”


After one week, 77.2%of the smokers receiving bioresonance therapy gave up smoking, and only 54.8% did so in the placebo group. After one year, 28.6% of smokers who had received the therapy had completely given up smoking, and only 16.1% of the smokers in the placebo group had given up smoking.


Smoking takes a massive toll on a person’s body and although a large number of the problem can be reversed, it takes a long time to do so. This puts the body at risk, even after quitting smoking. Bioresonance therapy can also help here—to heal the parts of the body damaged by smoking. The waves emitted by the damaged cells are read by the machine and then altered to help heal faster, reducing the possibility of further complications.  


Are there any side effects?

As of the study conducted in 2014, there are no side effects to bioresonance therapy to help stop smoking.


If you’re struggling with quitting smoking, bioresonance therapy is worth considering for its many beneficial effects. Your only criteria to qualify for it is a determination to quit. The rest will betaken care of, with just one session to help you quit. The struggle need not be a lonely one—you will always have help in the form of functional medicine that tries to heal you from within, one cell at a time, to help you live your best life.
