Pigmentation Treatment: What You Need to Know

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This article will provide readers with essential information about pigmentation treatment, covering the causes, types, and most effective treatments available for managing skin pigmentation issues, particularly on the face.


Skin pigmentation refers to a disorder where your body incorrectly produces pigment or melanin. melanin is created by specific skin cells called melanocytes. These cells and the amount of melanin or pigment they produce determine your skin color.

Melanin levels vary based on things like race or sunlight exposure. Regular exposure to the sun increases melanin as a way to protect against UV rays. However, hormonal changes can also affect your natural production of melanin and, as a result, your skin pigmentation.

If you are struggling with skin pigmentation, you can find treatment for pigmentation on face areas in particular that are safe and effective. This article will provide education on various aspects of pigmentation treatment.

Skin Pigmentation Issues

There are several types of skin pigmentation issues, some of which can be treated. Skin pigmentation issues can be caused by genetics, sun exposure, and even medication. Prior skin trauma, like burns, chemical exposure, and blisters, can result in low melanin content in the surrounding skin. Fungal infections can cause discoloration to the skin, and depigmentation can happen when your skin completely loses any pigment and turns white.

Things like albuminism is an inherited trait that doesn't have a cure but it does require preventative measures to avoid the condition getting worse. The same can be said of pigmentation loss after any type of skin damage including an ulcer, burn, or infection.

Vitiligo can result in patches of white on the skin because of a complete loss of those melanocytes. With this, there are preventative measures and treatment options that can help. Things like melasma, which can happen with things like birth control, hormone changes, or sun exposure, can be treated with several types of pigmentation treatment, including chemical peels or laser treatment.

Diagnosis and Assessment

A doctor can provide a diagnosis or assessment that offers personalized insight into the causes of your melanin production, such as hormones, genetics, or skin injuries. After you have received a diagnosis, you can explore the best treatment for pigmentation on face areas or other areas about which you might be most self-conscious. 

As mentioned, the types of treatments and preventative measures will vary from one cause to the next, which is why a proper diagnosis and assessment are so important.

Top Pigmentation Treatments 

If you have skin pigmentation on your face, you can find different types of treatment for pigmentation on face areas but minimize the visibility of discoloration. Some of the best options include chemical peels, topical treatments, and laser treatments.

Topical treatments

Easy treatment for pigmentation on face areas starts with topical treatment. Topical treatment includes different retinoids or acids with varying strength levels to cause minor reactions on the skin that burn away layers of pigment. Some examples of ingredients include: 

  1. Hydroquinone promotes the destruction of melanocytes, which can encourage new skin cell development, particularly on the face.
  2. Retinoids increase epidermal cell turnover and reduce inflammation, which helps encourage new cell growth along the pigmented areas, especially when combined with other topical ingredients.
  3. Azelaic acid can cause a cytotoxic effect on your melanocytes to inhibit certain activity that causes pigmentation.

Many of the ingredients for topical treatments are the same as you would find in acne treatments so they have similar efficacy and usefulness.

Chemical peels

The best treatment for pigmentation in face areas, in some cases, might be chemical peels. Chemical peels use acids like:

  1. Glycolic acid
  2. Salicylic acid
  3. Jessner solution
  4. Trichloroacetic acid

Chemical peels rely on chemicals, including the acids listed above, to destroy several layers of your skin. When you go to a legitimate clinic, you can control how deeply and effectively that chemical peel works. 

After the skin layers have been destroyed it increases the keratinocyte turnover. This is the medical term for the process of encouraging new skin cells to grow and replace existing skin cells. It's a biological process that sometimes becomes less effective or slow in old age but can be helped with a chemical peel. 

Chemical peels are a very effective way to reduce hyperpigmentation, particularly on the face, by removing the dead skin cells and increasing that cell turnover to reduce the appearance of any darker spots on your face. 

By removing that top layer of skin what's left behind is a brighter layer underneath that doesn't necessarily have the same degree of damage.

Laser treatments

For other people, the best treatment for pigmentation on face areas is a laser treatment. There are several types of laser treatments for hyperpigmentation and related conditions.

  1. Ablative laser treatment uses a high-intensity laser to damage and remove layers of your skin, revealing the more balanced and toned layer underneath. However, this does come with serious side effects of scarring, burns, inflammation, and pain.
  2. A slightly more useful option is the non-ablative fractioning laser, which causes some damage within your dermis around the area where your melanin is no longer functioning.
  3. Alternatively, there is the low-fluence Q-switched laser, which is used to selectively destroy specific melanin pigments, so if you have darker spots or lighter spots that you want to balance, this type of laser can select those areas directly instead of targeting the entire face.
  4. A picosecond laser uses short pulses that last a picosecond with high energy to send heat into the face. This thermal effect causes fragmentation within the melanin, which can help balance skin color.

Preventative Measures

Preventative measures are things that you can do instead of chemical peels or laser treatments, but they are also things you should be doing all the time and can be easily incorporated into your post-treatment routine. 

Importance of sun protection

Skin pigmentation treatment also hinges on long-term sun protection. It is widely known that sun exposure is a significant factor that contributes to the appearance of hyperpigmentation. As such, it's imperative that men and women reduce the amount of time they spend in the sun, keep covered with protective clothing, and use sunscreen if possible.

UV blocking clothing and sunscreen can have a significant impact in reducing discoloration from pigmentation. This is particularly true for people who work outside.

Lifestyle changes to prevent pigmentation

Lifestyle changes may be necessary, including the use of topical treatments as a preventative measure. 

However, the majority of your preventative measures will also center on sun exposure, which means wearing protective clothing when you're outside, like hats and long sleeve shirts, wearing sunscreen even when it's cloudy, and avoiding direct sunlight between some of the hottest hours of the day, usually between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

  1. Other changes can include what you eat. Fried foods and foods heavy in sugar can contribute to poor skin quality. 
  2. Eating fish that are rich in Omega-3s can expedite healing and reduce inflammation around the skin. 
  3. Drinking green tea or consuming lots of fresh berries and other foods that contain antioxidants can protect your skin from UV rays as well.

Regular skin care routine

Having a good skincare routine can go a long way toward improving discoloration and preventing it in the future. Incorporating vitamin C products into your skincare routine can help protect your skin, especially your face, which tends to get more sun exposure than other parts of the body.

Skincare products that are dermatologically supported, such as those that contain Thiamidol, can control melanin production and help manage pigmentation, particularly around the face.

Managing Expectations and Treatment Outcomes

If you are interested in skin pigmentation treatment, it's important that you manage your expectations and the outcomes.

Setting realistic expectations for treatment results

It's important to have realistic expectations about your treatment results. None of these treatment options are permanent so you may have to undergo chemical peels on a regular basis or use other topical treatments regularly.

Nonetheless they can offer reliable results for several months or years before such time as you need to make adjustments to your melanin. When you consult with a professional, you'll be able to review the realistic expectations and time frame for improvement depending on the treatment option you choose.

Understanding the timeframe for seeing improvements

Timelines are equally important to understand. Topical treatments are more effective when used as an adjunct treatment. Although they have limited side effects, they can take several weeks before changes are visible.

With chemical peels or laser treatment, you have to take caution with your expectations because there's a significant time frame for your skin to heal. Burning off a whole layer of skin is akin to getting a terrible sunburn or other burn that leaves your skin raw and exposed. There will be several steps you have to take during the first few weeks following a procedure, which may be painful. After that, you can expect slow changes over the next few weeks and months.

Potential side effects and risks of treatments

Each of the treatments above comes with different risks. 

  • Topical applications have risks of burning, skin dryness, and irritation. 
  • Chemical peels have a risk of burning, scarring, and pigmentary changes after the inflammation has gone down. 
  • Lasers bring with them the same risks but slightly more severe in terms of post-inflammatory pigmentation changes that make your skin darker, burning, pain, and erythema.

Understanding the risks and knowing that these may be rare but still possible is important in managing your outcome because you'll know what to expect going in and what the disadvantages might be for each option.

Summing up

Overall, if you are struggling with skin pigmentation, especially around the face, you should seek professional advice regarding the best treatment for pigmentation on face areas and what preventative measures you can also use before things like chemical peels or in conjunction with them. What matters most is getting a correct diagnosis for the cause of your pigmentation and personalized treatment plans.
