Yutopia, Dubai's heartburn diagnostic and management clinic , offers long-term, effective natural treatments and non-invasive testing for Acid Reflux, GERD, and Heartburn, providing expert care to help you eliminate reflux issues.
1) Certified Acid Reflux Care Team Diagnostic & Care CENTRE IN DUBAI
experts in weaning off pharmaceutical medications providing long-term natural relief from acid reflux.
2) Non-invasive Acid Reflux diagnosis and treatment
analyzes the root causes of your acid reflux, guiding us to the most effective treatment for long term relie
3) Personalized Diet and Lifestyle Plan to manage GERD / Reflux
including elimination and reintroduction of specific trigger foods.
4) Customized Non-Invasive Acid Reflux Treatments
aims at healing your gut and restoring the esophageal lining.
5) GERD and Acid Reflux Support & follow up.
throughout your healing journey.
Acid Reflux or Heart Burn, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a common characteristic of a burning sensation in the chest and throat caused by the regurgitation of stomach acid into the esophagus.
At Yutopia, our functional medicine doctors do a thorough assessment to understand the root cause and provide you with long-term management of acid reflux including dietary changes, stress management, nutraceuticals, and lifestyle modifications.
The symptoms of acid reflux vary from person to person, but some symptoms you may experience include heartburn or a burning sensation in the center of your chest. Other symptoms are coughing, an acid taste in your mouth, difficulty swallowing, or feeling a lump in your throat (often called a globus sensation).
Yes, untreated acid reflux can lead to complications such as esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus), Barrett's esophagus (a precancerous condition), and esophageal cancer. It's important to seek treatment if you have persistent or severe symptoms.
While acid reflux can often be managed with lifestyle changes and medications. However, most people can find relief from symptoms with proper treatment. Consult our doctors at Yutopia for more information on acid reflux.