Unlock Comprehensive Insights into Your Hormonal Profile with an Extensive Test.
Explore an in-depth hormonal analysis that provides a comprehensive understanding of your hormones and their metabolites. This comprehensive test encompasses more than 50 hormonal markers, offering detailed insights into your hormonal balance and function. Gain a thorough assessment of your hormonal health, empowering you with valuable information for informed decisions and personalized health management.
DUTCH hormonal testing benefits women with:
Fertility problems
Polycystic ovarian syndrome PCOS
Fibroids, “Estrogen dominance”, Strong PMS, Endometriosis
Pre-menopausal women
Fatigue & Sleep disorders
Anxiety & Mood swings
DUTCH hormonal testing benefits men with:
Fertility problems
Low libido
On testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)
Erectile dysfunction
Fatigue & Sleep disorders
Anxiety & Mood swings
Yutopia offers in-depth hormonal consultation and testing, along with a tailored natural hormone balance plan.