With experts keeping track of your health journey, Yutopia doesn’t disregard your mental well-being. At Yutopia, we value the ultimate connection between your mind and your gut to achieve optimal health.
Learn about Yutopia's approachLatest research confirms that gut health has a major impact on mental health. For instance, 90% of your serotonin (the happy hormone) is released in the gut. Any imbalances in the GUT directly and immediately affect your mental state. The connection between the two is called the gut brain axis. Here at Yutopia, we have a team of experts to help treat any dysfunction that may arise.
At Yutopia, we conduct comprehensive gut testings which are key to determining any underlying causes and imbalances that could be affecting your mental health.We then work with you on a plan to restore the GUT brain axis through food, supplements, bioresonance treatments, and lifestyle changes.
With a customized treatment made just for you, our team is always there to provide you with continuous support while we work towards restoring the gut brain access balance.
Every member of Team Yutopia is just a call away. You can reach us anytime and anywhere. The happiness and comfort of our patients are above everything else. Get to know us and what we can do to help you achieve a healthier Yu!
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