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Заместительная гормональная терапия

Также известная как биоидентичная гормональная терапия (BHRT), заместительная гормональная терапия. Это полностью натуральные гормоны, идентичные гормонам, вырабатываемым организмом, для облегчения дегенеративных побочных эффектов старения и других медицинских проблем. Целью заместительной терапии природными гормонами (BHRT) является восстановление и оптимизация уровня гормонов в организме.

Подход Yutopia к лечению гормонального здоровья:

Проконсультируйтесь, чтобы узнать вас, ваши цели и ожидания.
Комплексная усовершенствованная тест-панель на гормоны и их метаболиты с лучшим в мире гормональным тестом и лабораторией - ГОЛЛАНДСКИЙ ТЕСТ
Индивидуальные планы лечения

- Мы разрабатываем планы питания, направленные на поддержание вашего уникального гормонального состава

- Мы разрабатываем биоидентичную гормональную формулу, разработанную специально для вас!

- Мы работаем с вами, чтобы ограничить воздействие гормональных и эндокринных разрушителей, таких как «ксеноэстрогены».

Преимущества использования BHRT:

Потеря веса
Эластичность и блеск кожи
Повышенный уровень энергии
Восстановлено сексуальное влечение и либидо
Увеличение мышечной массы и снижение жировых отложений
Улучшение когнитивных функций и функций памяти
Повышение жизненного тонуса и устойчивости к стрессу
Улучшение здоровья костей и суставов
Восстановленная иммунная функция

Часто задаваемые вопросы

What are the benefits of hormone replacement therapy?
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There are multiple benefits. The most common use is to help with symptoms like hot flashes, irritability, and night sweats. But other very important benefits are improvement in cognition, joint pain reduction, weight loss, energy enhancement, and cardiovascular disease protection.
Are there many types of treatments available for HRT?
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Yes. Treatments can vary depending on the hormones. They can be used alone or in combination. For example, common ones used are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. The treatments can be oral and topical.
What exams should I take if I want to start HRT?
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It is always important to have an up-to-date pap smear, Mammogram, or breast ultrasound. Also, your doctor will order a full test panel for hormone levels. A complete medical questionnaire should always be conducted since many other conditions can impact hormone balance.
Do I have to wait until I have very severe symptoms before I can start with HRT?
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No. Symptoms can be mild at first or barely noticeable. Your doctor can measure hormone levels and determine the best approach to balancing hormones naturally and/or with the help of HRT.
Will HRT cause heart disease?
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No. Newer studies have shown that women taking HRT only with estrogen were not likely to have heart disease.
Does hormone replacement therapy cause cancer?
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No. Hormone replacement therapy does not cause cancer. The idea is based on old inconclusive studies. There are very few types of cancers that may pose a risk if taking hormones at very high levels.
Does menopause always have severe symptoms?
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No. Some women may experience minimal symptoms or none at all while others may experience more severe ones. When severe symptoms are present, HRT can help alleviate the discomfort and help the transition into menopause.
Can I start HRT with early menopause?
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The usual onset of menopause is around the age of 50. Some women might start experiencing menopause around their early 40s. Treatment with HRT will help to reduce symptoms and protect the body from cardiovascular disruptions and osteoporosis.
Can I take HRT after menopause?
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Yes, you can. There is a misconception that once menopause sets in, HRT should be discontinued. Even though many symptoms start to ease after menopause, some women may still experience them due to low estrogen levels. It is very important to start supplementing your hormones after menopause to improve quality of life and avoid some chronic diseases such as osteoporosis.
What other hormones can affect menopause?
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There are many other hormones which are otherwise good for the body, that can have degenerative effects before and during menopause. These hormones include insulin, thyroid, cortisol, and androstenedione.
Can sex hormones be balanced naturally?
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Yes. HRT is not always needed. When treated, there are many conditions that can improve hormone imbalance and help the body transition into menopause with ease.