В зависимости от вашего состояния и поставленных целей можно применять озонированный PRP (тромбоциты, обогащенные плазмой), PRF (фибрин, богатый тромбоцитами), пролотерапию, пролозон и инъекцию в триггерные точки.
Ozonated PRP uses injections with a concentrated amount of a patient's own platelets. This will accelerate the healing process of soft tissue injuries in ligaments, tendons, muscles and around the joints. The addition of ozone makes the PRP more potent, it allows for tissue hyper oxygenation, reduces pain and moderates inflammation, resulting in faster healing and recovery time.
Studies indicate that ozone plus PRP reduces pain more than PRP and ozone alone.
Ozonated Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) therapy is the latest addition in the field of regenerative medicine. This treatment is replacing steroid injections in many cases, due to its safer profile and longer-lasting results. Platelets contain hundreds of growth factors, which aid in decreasing local inflammation and healing injured tissue. The addition of ozone makes the platelets more potent. When Ozonated PRF is placed into areas of tissue damage, the healing time is cut drastically, pain and inflammation are remarkably reduced allowing joint and tissue regeneration. Results are felt within hours after treatment.
Occasionally, more than one PRF injection may be necessary to achieve optimal results.
Prolozone Therapy is a revolutionary regenerative medical technique that is used to treat damaged tissues around a joint. It is an injection that infuses the joint with collagen-producing materials and ozone gas to stimulate natural healing. The goal is to encourage cells to proliferate and stimulate growth factors that enable the production of new collagen.
Prolotherapy (Proliferation therapy) is a rejuvenation treatment that is non-invasive and it does not interfere with your daily functions. It is simply an injectable treatment that stimulates your body’s healing mechanisms. It works by injecting a stimulant, which creates a pseudo injury. The body reacts by repairing the affected area, laying down new collagen in tendons, ligaments, and joints.
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